创建新的apple id_新的Apple Maps与Google Maps:哪个适合您?
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创建新的apple id

创建新的apple id


When Apple Maps first debuted in 2013, it was universally panned by the press and public alike. Maligned for its laggy interface, poor directional capabilities, and downright broken business directory, the move into mapping was seen as one of the first real stumbles that the Cupertino technology giant had made since it first debuted the iPhone itself over half a decade earlier.

Apple Maps于2013年首次亮相时,受到了媒体和公众的普遍好评。 库比蒂诺技术巨头自其界面笨拙,定向能力差,业务目录彻底破损而感到恶心以来,被认为是自五十多年前首次推出iPhone以来,库珀蒂诺技术巨头做出的第一个真正的绊脚石。

Now though, the company has devoted a whole new swath of resources to making Apple Maps the best map app on the market. Does it stand up to the test put forth by the domineering leader Google Maps, or once again fall flat under the weight of Apple’s own lofty expectations? Read on in our side-by-side guide to find out.

现在,该公司投入了全新的资源,使Apple Maps成为市场上最好的地图应用程序。 它是否经受住了霸权领袖Google Maps的考验,还是再次落入了苹果自己崇高期望的重压之下? 阅读我们的并排指南以了解更多信息。

用户界面和体验 (User Interface and Experience)

To start, we’ll get the most obvious tie out of the way first: the interface. The UIs of both Apple Maps and Google Maps are sleek, intuitive, and have probably been focus-grouped to death at this point. They each have their own quirks and subtle changes throughout, but overall you won’t find enough of a difference in this department to warrant using one option over the other.

首先,我们首先要弄清楚最明显的联系:接口。 Apple Maps和Google Maps的UI光滑,直观,并且可能在这一点上被集中讨论。 他们每个人都有自己的怪癖和细微的变化,但是总的来说,您在该部门不会发现足够的区别,以保证使用一个选项而不是另一个选项。


All the frills you’d expect in both apps are here: 3D maps, business guides, traffic data, and location searching – although if we had to give it to one camp on the merit of features alone – Google Maps’ in-client voice search and the ever popular Street View function would probably put the app just over the top. That said, when you’re using Apple Maps on an iPhone, you can view your route and your position live from your lock screen. Google Maps will send you notifications about when a turn is coming up, but you can’t actually see the map or the next step in the directions unless you unlock your phone and boot up the app.

您在这两个应用程序中期望的所有装饰都在这里:3D地图,业务指南,路况数据和位置搜索-尽管如果我们不得不仅基于功能的优点而将其集中一处,则Google Maps的客户端语音功能搜索和日益流行的街景功能可能会将应用放在首位。 也就是说,在iPhone上使用Apple Maps时,您可以在锁定屏幕上实时查看路线和位置。 Google地图会向您发送有关何时转弯的通知,但是除非您解锁手机并启动应用程序,否则您实际上无法查看地图或方向指示中的下一步。

Round One: Draw



When it comes to getting you from point A to point B, both map applications perform pretty much exactly how you’d expect them to. Google gets its data directly from its own satellite images and Street Maps data (more on that later), while Apple has struck up a partnership with the fledgling GPS maker TomTom to fill out their online archive of everyone’s houses, businesses, and street names.

当涉及到从A点到B点时,两个地图应用程序的性能几乎都与您期望的一样。 Google直接从自己的卫星图像和Street Maps数据中获取数据(稍后会详细介绍),而Apple与刚起步的GPS制造商TomTom建立了伙伴关系,以填写他们关于每个人的房屋,企业和街道名称的在线档案。


This category is a dead split down the middle, as both apps do the one thing they’re supposed to do well, and neither do it all that much “better” than the other. In our testing, all the issues that users originally claimed they ran into upon Apple Maps’ debut have since been ironed out, and the experience of finding a location, adding it to your directions, and starting navigation is as simple as you’d expect it to be from both companies.

这个类别是中间的死胡同,因为两个应用程序都做一件他们应该做得很好的事情,而这两个应用程序都做不到那么“好”。 在我们的测试中,用户最初声称在Apple Maps首次亮相时遇到的所有问题均已解决,查找位置,将其添加到您的方向以及开始导航的体验与您期望的一样简单来自两家公司。


But, unfortunately Google has Apple trounced on one very important detail for a lot of hardcore commuters: public transit directions. If you’re someone who relies on knowing the exact minute that the next train or bus is going to pull up, Google Maps has more coverage in more metropolitan areas than Apple Maps, and more up-to-the-minute adjustments based on realtime delay and scheduling reports. With this small boost, Google’s Map app takes the round.

但是,不幸的是,对于许多铁杆通勤者来说,谷歌已经让苹果​​公司忽略了一个非常重要的细节:公交路线。 如果您是依赖于知道下一趟火车或公交车将要上车的确切时间的人,那么Google Maps在比Apple Maps更大的城市区域中的覆盖范围更大,并且可以基于实时进行更多的最新调整延迟和安排报告。 有了这个小小的提升,Google的Map应用程序就开始运作了。

Round Two: Google


交通数据(Traffic Data)

In the case of traffic data and navigation, the jury is still out.


On the one hand, it could be argued that Google’s way of collecting traffic information (running the location data of any Android devices traveling down a particular road) is intrusive, and somewhat Orwellian in design. On the other, it’s almost always right down to the meter, and that’s valuable to have when you’re stuck behind a pileup and need to know exactly how long it’s going to take before you make it to the office for a big presentation.

一方面,可以说Google收集交通信息(运行在特定道路上行驶的所有Android设备的位置数据)的方式是侵入性的,在设计上有点像Orwellian。 另一方面,它几乎总是精确到仪表,当您被困在堆积物后面并且需要确切知道要花多长时间才能到达办公室进行大型演示时,拥有它非常有价值。


Apple Maps, meanwhile, uses a whole cacophony of different services to fill out its traffic information depending on the region you’re using it from. This includes TomTom in the US and UK, and phone data in China and Southeast Asia. As such, it’s hard to pin down which is best due to the fact that each company has its own methods of collecting data on drivers that are arbitrary enough from the other to make the comparison impossible to call on even grounds.

同时,Apple Maps使用各种不同的服务来填充交通信息,具体取决于您所使用的地区。 其中包括美国和英国的TomTom,以及中国和东南亚的电话数据。 因此,很难确定哪一个是最好的,这是因为每个公司都有自己的收集驱动程序数据的方法,而这些驱动程序彼此之间是足够任意的,以致无法基于均匀的理由进行比较。

Round Three: Draw


业务查询(Business Lookup)

If there’s one category that would handily go to Apple Maps over Google, it’s this one. Apple Maps works much like its own mini-Yelp, dropping down a list suggestions based on broad categories like “Food” “Drinks” or “Fun” each time you tap on the search bar.

如果有一个类别可以方便地通过Google转到Apple Maps,那就是这个类别。 Apple Maps的工作原理类似于其自己的迷你Yap,每次您在搜索栏上点击时,都会根据“食物”,“饮料”或“娱乐”等广泛的类别下拉列表建议。


The feature is great if you’re wandering around during a night on the town with friends and need a good spot for late night eats but are maybe a few drinks past the point of being able to navigate the Yelp app’s dated UI. Big, colorful buttons appear whenever you’re on the hunt, and will display results that are ripped straight from Yelp’s servers. Compared to Google’s business directory it’s a seamless pleasure to use, and when you’re on the go that can be the difference between ending up at the hottest nightclub in town or stuck at a dive bar somewhere halfway across the city.

如果您在夜晚与朋友一起在镇上闲逛,并且需要一个晚上吃饭的好地方,但该功能很不错,但您可以浏览Yelp应用程序的过时UI,这可能是很棒的功能。 每当您进行狩猎时,就会出现色彩鲜艳的大按钮,这些按钮会显示直接从Yelp的服务器上抓取的结果。 与Google的商家目录相比,使用它是一种无缝的乐趣,而当您在旅途中时,这可能是结束在镇上最热的夜总会还是停留在城市中途某处的潜水吧之间的区别。

That said, Google has worked to improve their service recently in light of Apple’s improvements with its purchase of the food-rating service Zagat. Thus far, though, expanding the accuracy of its business library has been more of a game of catchup than an all-out push for victory. The UI is still clunky, and not nearly as thumb-friendly as what Apple’s put forth in the iOS 9 update for its Maps service.

也就是说,鉴于苹果通过购买食品评级服务Zagat的改进,谷歌最近一直在努力改善其服务。 不过,到目前为止,扩大业务库的准确性不仅仅是追赶胜利,更像是追赶游戏。 UI仍然很笨拙,并且不像Apple在其Maps服务的iOS 9更新中所提供的那样友好。

Round Four: Apple Maps


GPS精度(GPS Accuracy)

Of all the different categories we’ve gone through here, this is the one with the most leeway as far as “how well it works” from a software vs. hardware perspective. In our tests, we ran Apple Maps on a new iPhone 6s, while Google Maps was installed on a Samsung Galaxy 5 as well as the 6s.

在我们经历过的所有不同类别中,从软件与硬件的角度来看,这是“工作原理”方面最具发展余地的类别。 在测试中,我们在新的iPhone 6s上运行了Apple Maps,而在Samsung Galaxy 5和6s上都安装了Google Maps。


When running off the same phone, results from both maps applications were identical, however when Google Maps from the Galaxy was pitted against Google Maps on the 6s, the reliability of the GPS signal differed significantly, despite being tied to the same carrier network for both. This in mind, it’s obvious that GPS signal is dependent far more on the hardware than it is the software side of things, making the debate between the two software applications essentially a moot point.

当使用同一部手机运行时,两个地图应用程序的结果都相同,但是,当Galaxys的Google Maps在6s上与Google Maps相对时,尽管二者的GPS信号都绑定在相同的运营商网络上,但其GPS信号的可靠性却存在显着差异。 。 考虑到这一点,很明显,GPS信号对硬件的依赖性远大于它对软件方面的依赖性,这使得这两个软件应用程序之间的争论本质上是一个争论点。

Round Five: Draw


最终裁决(Final Verdict)

Going into this article, I thought we were going to have a clear winner with Google Maps sitting comfortably out front. However, it was a pleasant surprise to find that with Apple Maps updated and all the kinks finally worked out, the debate between Google or Apple Maps eventually just comes down to your own personal preference.

在撰写本文时,我认为Google Maps无疑会成为赢家,而Google Maps则处于领先地位。 但是,令人惊讶的是,随着Apple Maps的更新和所有问题的解决,Google或Apple Maps之间的争论最终归结为您自己的个人喜好。

If you’ve been using Google Maps for a number of years and your account already has all your contacts saved – great, go for Google. If you prefer to use Siri to launch your Maps application or want to be able to see where you’re going without having to unlock the phone, Apple Maps is on the job. There may have been a point in time when Google Maps held the crown as the best (and for awhile; only) real map app out there, but now Apple Maps lives alongside its legacy with just as much functionality and flexibility as the rest.

如果您使用Google地图已有多年历史,并且您的帐户中已经保存了所有联系人,那就太好了,请使用Google。 如果您更喜欢使用Siri来启动Maps应用程序,或者希望能够不必打开手机就能看到要去的地方,那么Apple Maps就是您的最佳选择。 可能有一段时间,Google Maps成为了最好的(有时是唯一的)真实地图应用程序,但现在Apple Maps与它的遗产并存,其功能和灵活性与其余的一样。


创建新的apple id


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